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Approximate Timing Analysis Under the XBD0 Model

In [19], we are concerned with approximation algorithms for timing analysis of combinational circuits. As a result of intensive research in the early 90's, efficient tools exist which can analyze circuits of thousands of gates in a few minutes or even in seconds for many cases. However, the computation time of these tools is unpredictable since the internal engine of analysis is either a SAT solver or a modified ATPG algorithm, both of which are just heuristic algorithms to an NP-complete problem. Although they are highly tuned for CAD applications, there exists a class of problem instances which exhibits the worst-case exponential CPU time behavior. In the context of timing analysis, circuits with a large amount of reconvergence, e.g. C6288 of the ISCAS benchmark suite, are known to be difficult to analyze under sophisticated delay models even with state-of-the-art techniques without path enumeration. For example, all algorithms can not complete the analysis under the mapped delay model. To make timing analysis of such corner case circuits feasible we proposed in [19] an approximate computation scheme to the timing analysis problem as an extension to the exact analysis method proposed by McGeer. Sensitization conditions are conservatively approximated in a selective fashion so that the size of SAT problems solved during analysis is controlled. Initial experimental results show that the approximation technique is effective in reducing the total analysis time without losing accuracy in cases where the exact approach takes too much time or cannot complete.

Robert K. Brayton
Sat Mar 1 15:01:03 PST 1997